Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Invasive Species

The Walking Catfish
Clarias batrachus

Ecosystem/ Region?:
The Walking Catfish is native to Southeastern Asia. The fish prefer muddy, warm, swamp like, environments. Now the Walking Catfish has currently spread and overpopulated certain areas in northern Florida, California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Georgia, and Nevada. Their intolerance for cold water has caused them to expand across the seas.

When/ Where it was introduced?:
The Walking Catfish were native in S.E. Asia. However in the 1960's they were brought to America through an aquarium industry. The fish were either released from a Florida fish farm or Brownward County. In 1968 Florida banned possession of Walking Catfish. It is said that farmers purposely released more of the fish in order to encourage growth of the species against the State's will.

Why is it harmful? Who does it impact? How?:
The Walking Catfish have been considered to be one of the worst invasive species in the Unites States. This is because the fish is incredibly strong and is able to dominate other resident populations. They consume food quicker and easier than other species, causing many fish to die of starvation. However, the biggest economic impact has not been on loss of fish, it has been on Florida fishing companies having to install fence barriers in ponds, lakes, rivers, and the ocean, in order to help prevent the Walking Catfish from invading.