Thursday, November 3, 2011

Organisms in my Cubic Foot

Lemon Thyme
This plant has long stems with very small dark green leafs. It smells like lemon but tastes very bitter. Its potential height is four inches. Usually lives up to four year unless clumps are separated. Doesn't require a whole lot of sunlight. It has no major prey however, its predators include garden insects attracted by its sweet scented leafs.

Rose Bush
The rose bush has small light and dark green leafs. Its stems are typically thick and filled with water. The rose bush grows thorns which are used to stab any predators that try to pick or eat it. The life span of a rose bush can be up to twenty years if properly maintained.

Grain Moth
The grain moth is a pest in most gardens. They are typically 10-15mm in size. They are light brown with stripes of gold and black on them. They reproduce larva quickly and feed on vegtables. The eggs hatch in 14 says and the moths live up to 41 weeks. The moths main predator is humans who set traps to rid their gardens of moths.

Bumble Bee
There are over 250 species of bumble bees that all appear very similarly. Because my partner and I could not solve which type of bumble bee we had, we chose to write about bumble bees in general. Bumble bees appear fuzzy due to the long hair that covers their entire body. They are beneficial to plants because they transfer pollin. The average life span of a bumble bee is around 20-40 weeks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Honors Reading Assignment #4

Entry 4: Rhetorical Modes

Background: In Vandana Shiva’s book, Stolen Harvest, argumentation is the main rhetorical mode used to persuade the reader. Although Shiva uses a lot of exposition in her writing, she also clearly states her opinion on the topic. Therefore, most people would consider Stolen Harvest to use an argumentation rhetorical mode.

Quotes: “The time has come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of good food as the highest gift and most revolutionary act.”

“Women have been particularly affected by the proliferation of the shrimp industry. Land has become a scarce commodity. Fights take place between neighbors over patches of land on which to dry fish. In places where water is provided by tankers, competition for the water becomes yet another cause of social disruption, particularly between women.”

Commentary: The book Stolen Harvest is somewhat disorganized in my opinion. I found that Shiva tends to go off on tangents referring to her personal encounters quite a bit. As depicted in the first quote, Shiva went off on an inspirational tangent as if she wanted to lead a revolution in the midst of writing her book (which she probably did). Although this disorganization can sometimes be annoying to the reader and cause confusion, it can also be very inspiring to some.

Throughout the book, she uses an argumentation rhetorical mode to get the reader on her side. Although she uses little dialogue, for every argument she proposes, she gives certain examples from her personal experiences to sway the reader in her direction. This style works well for Shiva because she does have very legitimate experiences that she can provide the reader with. For every point she makes, she has an experience to show why she supports it. This form of argumentation including evidence is shown in the second quote provided above.

In this quote, Shiva is explaining to readers how not only the environment is affected negatively by larger industries, but also how neighborhoods and the people are affected. This quote depicts how Shiva not only has heard about this, but has experienced it. How else would people know that women in small Indian villages are fighting over something caused by bigger industries? It gives the reader a sense that Shiva knows what she is talking about. This method allows the reader to join Shiva on her side of the argument as if they were seeing what Shiva had seen.

White Background Organism Pictures

Friday, October 28, 2011

Honors Reading Assignment #3

Entry 3: The author’s persona/tone

Background: Shiva is highly educated and when she mixes her concern for the food industry with her educational sounding voice it creates a tone that gets the readers attention.

Quote: “The right of corporations to force-feed citizens of the world with culturally inappropriate and hazardous foods has been made absolute [in the globalizing economy]. The right to food, the right to safety, the right to culture are all being treated as trade barriers that need to be dismantled…we have to reclaim our right to nutrition and food safety. We have to reclaim our right to protect the earth and her diverse species. We have to stop this corporate theft from the poor and from nature. Food democracy…is the new agenda for ecological sustainability and social justice.” p. 109
Commentary: The author’s persona/ tone for this book sound very assertive and sure of what she is saying. Because of Shiva’s high education, she uses an impressive vocabulary to get her point across. Upon reading her book, not once have I doubted that she knows what she is talking about. She has made it clear that she has seen every “revolution” take place right before her own eyes. Shiva is able to manipulate the reader by using a very concerned sounding tone. Because she sounds educated on the topic and concerned, it makes the reader feel a need to be concerned as well. This approach of concern makes the reader feel what Shiva feels. In this way, many people follow Shiva in her attempts to revolutionize the food industry.
The quote above is a good example of how Shiva uses concern mixed with high vocabulary to get her point across. And on top of that, she is assertive in what she is saying. Notice how you most likely trust her expierience after only reading these few sentences.


1. Where is the biggest agricultural farm in the world located?

2. Around what age did formal agriculture begin?

3. What advances are we making in agriculture currently?

4. What is wrong with agriculture in countries where people are starving?

5. How could we improve agriculture to eliminate starvation in those countries?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Honors Reading Assignment #2

Entry 2: Thesis/ Purpose

Background: In Vanadana Shiva’s book, Stolen Harvest, it is made clear that western food production has a negative impact on third world countries.

Quote: “Industrial agriculture has not produced more food. It has destroyed diverse sources of food, and it has stolen food from other species to bring larger quantities of specific commodities to the market using huge quantities of fossil fuels and water and toxic chemicals in the process.” p. 89

Commentary: This negative impact has about about by three major changes in the food production industry: the Green Revolution, the Blue Revolution, and the White Revolution. Shiva tells the reader how the green revolution has robbed third world countries of crops on its land, the blue revolution has robbed third world countries of animals in the sea, and the white revolution has robbed third world countries of its cattle. The purpose of Shiva telling the reader about these three revolutions is to show the negative impacts of large food industry's such as loss of farmers, unnecessarily killing animals, not efficiently using animals, chemical waste, etc. Because most people who partake in purchasing food from industrial food markets don’t realize its negative affects, Shiva attempts to show what goes on behind the scenes of the perfect grocery stores and restaurants. My reaction to her thesis was complete and total shock. As a westerner who is blessed to have almost any food at my fingertips, I realized quickly that the convenience comes at a large expense of others. It is important not only for Westerners to realize and be appreciative for what we have, but it is also important for us to change this system of theft and stop robbing poorer countries of their natural goods.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Honors Reading Assignment #1

Entry 1: The Author's Credibility and Background

Background: Shiva is a very credible author, throughout her book she writes about personal expieriences which give the reader insight into what she sees. She is also highly educated.

Quotes: "Over the past two decades every issue I have been engaged in as an ecological activist and organic intellectual has revealed that what the industrial economy calls "growth" is really a form of theft from nature and people." p. 1

"It is true that cutting down forests or converting natural forests into monocultures of pine and eucalyptus for industrial raw material generates revenues and growth. But this growth is based on robbing." p. 20

Commentary: Vandana Shiva, author of Stolen Harvest is a very credible author. In fact, when I was researching her, I found a picture of her and recognized her in the documentary "Dirt" that we are watching in class (see picture below). What I found out about this remarkable woman is that she has written over 20 books, and 500 leading scientific research papers about environmental science. Not to mention, she has a PhD from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She is known as a philospoher, eco-feminist, and environmental activist. She currently lives in India and is a board member of the "International Forum of Globalization". She was born from two parents who both shared a love of nature. In the reading I have done, it is clear that Shiva is very passionate about nature and she believe that we are robbing the natural world of its life. These two quotes give a firm example of how Shiva considers industial growth to be "theft" and "robbery".

Because of the research I have done I believe that Shiva has the expierience to write a book about how big industries negatively impact nature. And although I think she has a lot of expierience, I also think she is somewhat bias. This is because like I said before, Shiva was raised by a father who was the conservator of forests and a farmer mother with a love for nature. Therefore, she has most likely been against "food industiral growth" since she was a young child. Her tone throughout the book remains firm in what she believes in. Although she may at times come off to be a bit bias, I think she has the credibility to back up her beliefs.

Vandana Shiva