Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Honors Reading Assignment #2

Entry 2: Thesis/ Purpose

Background: In Vanadana Shiva’s book, Stolen Harvest, it is made clear that western food production has a negative impact on third world countries.

Quote: “Industrial agriculture has not produced more food. It has destroyed diverse sources of food, and it has stolen food from other species to bring larger quantities of specific commodities to the market using huge quantities of fossil fuels and water and toxic chemicals in the process.” p. 89

Commentary: This negative impact has about about by three major changes in the food production industry: the Green Revolution, the Blue Revolution, and the White Revolution. Shiva tells the reader how the green revolution has robbed third world countries of crops on its land, the blue revolution has robbed third world countries of animals in the sea, and the white revolution has robbed third world countries of its cattle. The purpose of Shiva telling the reader about these three revolutions is to show the negative impacts of large food industry's such as loss of farmers, unnecessarily killing animals, not efficiently using animals, chemical waste, etc. Because most people who partake in purchasing food from industrial food markets don’t realize its negative affects, Shiva attempts to show what goes on behind the scenes of the perfect grocery stores and restaurants. My reaction to her thesis was complete and total shock. As a westerner who is blessed to have almost any food at my fingertips, I realized quickly that the convenience comes at a large expense of others. It is important not only for Westerners to realize and be appreciative for what we have, but it is also important for us to change this system of theft and stop robbing poorer countries of their natural goods.

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