For my garden plot, I am requesting approximately 3 x 2 feet.
The things I want to grow in my garden include: Kyona Mizuna, Mini Bunching Onions, and Romaine Lettuce. I want to grow these three specifically because together they could make potato salad.
1. Kyona Mizuna
a. Vegtable.
b. Typically Mizuna groes best in cooler weather and can with stand considerable frost. Because San Diego has a slightly cool weather in the fall Mizuna can be grown relatively well outdoors.
c. The plant takes approximately 5-10 days to germinate and requires no special treatment.
d. The plant sprouts in roughly ten days and harvests in roughly forty days. This is perfect for this semester and fits within the time zone.
e. The plant space will take up about 1'w x 1'h. The plants should be about 1/2'' apart.
f. The Minuza plant needs to be in very moistuized soil. It likes for the soil to be at a pH of 7.
g. The Minuza plant requires a lot of water. It is best to use drip irrigation directly into the soil to keep the soil moist.
h. companion plants include low growing slowers such as sweet assylum.
2. Mini Puplette Bunching Onion
a. Vegtable
b. Typically grown in the summers due to warm dry climate. However considering San Diegos Wdecently warm and definitely dry winters, the onion is able to grow.
c. 7-14 days to germinate. Prefers well drained soil in a warm climate.
d. Takes 60-65 days to harvest. This plant will either sprout at the end of this semester for our class to enjoy, or at the beggining or next semester for the other class to enjoy. Either way it will be enjoyed within the school year.
e. This plant needs at least 2in in diameter. They should be planted 3in apart.
f. This plant prefers to grow in more dry soil that is preferably warm and slightly acidic.
g. It does not require much water compared to other plants. It is best to water plant by drip irrigation system.
h. Chives, Bush Beans, and Beets are all companion plants to mini onions.
1. Romaine Lettuce
a. Vegtable
b. The gowing season is best in the winter but can be grown year round.
c. Germinates in roughly six days.
d. Lettuce can be harvested in 45 days (perfect for this semester).
e. It should be planted roughly 8 in apart.
f. Lettuce is a "heavy feeder" and it needs rich soil to make rich nutrient leafs.
g. Lettuce likes to grow in moist cooler areas in the shade. Preferribly dampened soil by drip irrigation.
h. Grows well with other heavily watered plants and other lettuces'.
From the websites with tutorials on how to grow the three plants I selected, none looked too difficult. I do not see myself having any issues because there is no prior "seed prepping" that needs to be done. The only challnge I forsee myself having is keeping my plants that prefer dry soil, separated from my plants that prefer moist soil.